This summary chart shows the
results of an 11-year annual survey that tracks honey bee colony losses
in the United States, spanning 2006-2017.
Credit: University of Maryland/Bee Informed Partnership
Beekeepers across the United States
lost 33 percent of their honey bee colonies during the year spanning
April 2016 to April 2017, according to the latest preliminary results of
an annual nationwide survey. Rates of both winter loss and summer loss
-- and consequently, total annual losses -- improved compared with last
Total annual losses were the lowest since 2011-12, when the survey
recorded less than 29 percent of colonies lost throughout the year.
Winter losses were the lowest recorded since the survey began in
The survey, which asks both commercial and small-scale beekeepers to
track the survival rates of their honey bee colonies, is conducted each
year by the nonprofit Bee Informed Partnership in collaboration with the
Apiary Inspectors of America. Survey results for this year and all
previous years are publicly available on the Bee Informed website:
"While it is encouraging that losses are lower than in the past, I
would stop short of calling this 'good' news," said Dennis
vanEngelsdorp, an assistant professor of entomology at the University of
Maryland and project director for the Bee Informed Partnership. "Colony
loss of more than 30 percent over the entire year is high. It's hard to
imagine any other agricultural sector being able to stay in business
with such consistently high losses."
Beekeepers who responded to the survey lost a total of 33.2 percent
of their colonies over the course of the year. This marks a decrease of
7.3 percentage points over the previous study year (2015-16), when loss
rates were found to be 40.5 percent. Winter loss rates decreased from
26.9 percent in the previous winter to 21.1 percent this past winter,
while summer loss rates decreased from 23.6 percent to 18.1 percent.
The researchers noted that many factors are contributing to colony
losses, with parasites and diseases at the top of the list. Poor
nutrition and pesticide exposure are also taking a toll, especially
among commercial beekeepers. These stressors are likely to synergize
with each other to compound the problem, the researchers said.
"This is a complex problem," said Kelly Kulhanek, a graduate student
in the UMD Department of Entomology who helped with the survey. "Lower
losses are a great start, but it's important to remember that 33 percent
is still much higher than beekeepers deem acceptable. There is still
much work to do."
The number one culprit remains the varroa mite, a lethal parasite
that can easily spread between colonies. Mite levels in colonies are of
particular concern in late summer, when bees are rearing longer-lived
winter bees.
In the fall months of 2016, mite levels across the country were
noticeably lower in most beekeeping operations compared with past years,
according to the researchers. This is likely due to increased vigilance
on the part of beekeepers, a greater availability of mite control
products and environmental conditions that favored the use of timely and
effective mite control measures. For example, some mite control
products contain essential oils that break down at high temperatures,
but many parts of the country experienced relatively mild temperatures
in the spring and early summer of 2016.
This is the 11th year of the winter loss survey, and the seventh year
to include summer and annual losses. More than 4,900 beekeepers from
all 50 states and the District of Columbia responded to this year's
survey. All told, these beekeepers manage about 13 percent of the
nation's estimated 2.78 million honey bee colonies.
The survey is part of a larger research effort to understand why
honey bee colonies are in such poor health, and what can be done to
manage the situation. Some crops, such as almonds, depend entirely on
honey bees for pollination. Honey bees pollinate an estimated $15
billion worth of crops in the U.S. annually.
"Bees are good indicators of the health of the landscape as a whole,"
said Nathalie Steinhauer, a graduate student in the UMD Department of
Entomology who leads the data collection efforts for the annual survey.
"Honey bees are strongly affected by the quality of their environment,
including flower diversity, contaminants and pests. To keep healthy
bees, you need a good environment and you need your neighbors to keep
healthy bees. Honey bee health is a community matter."